Tuesday, October 11, 2011


dumb slang. stop using it.

"Like a boss/Cause I'm a boss"
Example: Did you do all of your homework? Yeah I did! Like a boss!
Example 2: How did you eat all of those hot dogs? Cause I'm a boss!
Alright, we get that the Lonely Island is a funny group that makes up hilarious songs. This doesn't mean that you are funny or clever for repeating them. This phrase is so overused and so not witty. Ditch the phrase. Please.

Example: Last night was so epic! I don't even remember what happened!
Saying that something was epic is just a way to exaggerate an event when it probably wasn't very cool anyway. This word was cool for about two weeks and then it died so stop using it. 

Example: (Someone trips on a sidewalk) FAIL!
I'm not sure exactly where this word came from but it is jut obnoxious. When someone attempts a cool stunt and doesn't make it, it used to be really funny to yell “fail!” afterward. Don't be “that guy.”

**Note: If you use the word epic and fail together, you may as well never show your face in public again. By saying this, you will be the epic fail, so might as well never say it again. 
Example: This party is an epic fail. Let's get out of here!

"Too legit to quit"
Example: I used to be legit. I was too legit. I was too legit to quit. but now I'm not legit. I'm unlegit. And for that reason, I must quit.
This is actually a famous quote from the movie Hot Rod. In this context, it was acceptable and even funny because the character was supposed to be ridiculous and out of control. No one in real life should actually use this phrase though. Leave it as a movie quote. It's better that way. For all of us.